
Recommended website: CLAVE Spanish Dictionary

The online Spanish dictionary at Real Academia Española is a great internet source for the exact definitions of Spanish terms. Today, one my teachers at Centro Compultense para la Enseñanza del Español showed us another useful website to use to look up Spanish terms. It is called Dicionario CLAVE, and it has different usage of the vocabulary as well as concise examples. I have been using both RAE and CLAVE when I study Spanish, because while RAE has extensive data, CLAVE is more useful when the word has different meanings in different context. CLAVE usually has its definitions starting from "referido a..." (referring to), indicating the definition of the word clearly.

Dicionario CLAVE



Best Spanish dictionary (monolingual)

What is the best Spanish dictionary sources online?

It is the www.RAE.es! RAE stands for Real Academia Española and almost all the teachers who teach Spanish agree that this dictionary is the best. It is the best because Real Academia Española is the academic institution based in Madrid that "regulates" Spanish language. The institution publishes many of the major dictionaries, and it has extensive database about Spanish terms and its usage. Especially for students who are in intermediate and advanced levels, this online resource is recommended because it offers complete sets of definitions in Spanish and as monolingual dictionary helps you learn better.


Recommended website:

In Spanish classes, modismos (idiomatic expression) are often taught. There is a website dedicated to Spanish learners who wish to amplify their modismos in Spanish. As the website name suggests, there are many Erasmus (studying abroad program in Europe) students in Spain and this website will help not only them but a lot students who are learning Spanish as a second language a lot in learning new expressions. In daily conversation, modismos appear more often than you think, and you lose a little bit of meaning of the text or the conversation when it is hard to understand the modismos. 

The link to the website: Expresiones españolas para Erasmus.



Curso de primavera has started!

The spring semester has started at Centro Compultense para la Enseñanza del Español! This semester, the class levels are set up according to the DELE levels just like the winter semester (click here for the levels in the winter semester).

Curso de primavera

Basic Spanish

Intermediate Spanish

Advanced Spanish

Most of the teachers have not changed from last semester.

Monday and Tuesday schedule from 3pm to 7pm:

As you can see from the schedule, the second class in the afternoon from 5pm-7pm will work out better this semester supposedly because not too many levels are combined together in one class. Last semester, it caused a problem because some of the second classes had students from different levels (for example, from B1 to C2) and as the difference in the Spanish level was significant, the class organization of the teachers (it was hard to organize the class content so it would be suitable for all levels) was not the best last semester, in my opinion. Hopefully, with this new schedule of spring semester, both the teachers and students will not confront a situation that causes issues.

Wednesday to Friday Schedule from 3pm-7pm.

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