
Tarjeta de Estudiante 4: Volante de Empadronamiento

At the cita previa for the Tarjeta de Estudiante at the Extranjería, volante de empadronamiento must be submitted along with other required documents.

Volante de Empadronomiento:

Empadronamiento verifies your stay in Spain as it registers your residence with the community's padrón. In order to get volante de Empadrononamiento, you need to make an appointment which you can do so in several ways, but probably the fastest is to do so on the phone. Call 010 from a local land phone in Madrid, and Ayuntamiento de Madrid will help you connect with a person who can make an appointment for the Volante de Empadronamiento. You will be asked where you live, and the person on the phone will provide you the closest office where you can apply for the empadronamiento. It seems that while the offices in the center of Madrid are crowded and it takes a while to have the appointment (at first I was told a month and this was in December), the outskirts of Madrid will have available appointments relatively quickly (a day later).

At this website (http://madrid.angloinfo.com/countries/spain/empadronamiento.asp), information about empadronamiento is explained thoroughly, so take a look!

What you need to bring for Volante de Empadronamiento

  • Application form (on the day of the appointment, a representative will fill this out)
  • Your identification and its photocopy (eg. passport)
  • Proof of address (water, gas, electricity bill, or a contract of your piso)
In case where the contract of the piso or the water, gas, electricity bill is not under your name, you need to go to the appointment with the person who has the contract or the usage bill or to have their photocopy of DNI and their authorization signature. I went to the office earlier than the day of the appointment to get an application form, and I had my roommate sign on the application (there is a part on the application form where an authorization sign may be written) and brought it to the actual appointment date. Volante de Empadronamiento can be made on the day of the appointment.

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